Euthanasia is a decision that every pet owner inevitably faces. No one wants to think about it, and it’s hard to know exactly when the right time is. We know that this can be a very difficult decision for any pet owner and our goal is to help guide you and your family through the process and make it as seamless as possible.

What to expect;

Upon arrival to the clinic you, your pet, and any family members that wish to be present will be brought to a private room.

Our client care team will review the options available for cremation, complete the required paperwork, and process payment for the euthanasia and cremation services.

A member of our animal care team will explain the entire process to you and give a small amount of sedation to help your pet relax. Typically, your pet will start to relax and feel sleepy 5-10 minutes after the sedation is given. At this point an IV catheter will be placed for the injection of the euthanasia medication.

We understand that this is a difficult time for you and your family while you say goodbye to your beloved pet. A member of our animal care team check in with you periodically so that you are able to spend some time alone with your pet before the euthanasia medication is administered. Many find comfort in spending those last moments with their pet but know that it is okay to leave the room at any point if you are not feel comfortable staying.

We offer several memorial services to help commemorate your pet. A paw print, nose print or a small clipping of fur will be offered to you at the time of the appointment. If you choose to have your pet cremated, these items will be returned to you with your pet’s remains. If you choose communal cremation, or if you are taking your pet home for burial these items will be mailed to you. Please let our client care team know if you wish to have any items cremated with your pet such as a favorite toy or blanket, their collar or leash, a letter or picture etc.

All cremation services are done by Precious Pets Cremation. It takes approximately two weeks after your appointment for your pet’s remains to be returned to us. We will call you as soon as your pet is back with us so that you can pick them up. If you wish to have a witnessed cremation, take your pet to Precious Pets yourself, or pick up your pet’s remains from them directly please let us know prior to your appointment so that we can make the required arrangements for you.